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Welcome to the Golden Age

Welcome to the Golden Age

Feb 19, 2023

Do you remember hearing about the end of the Mayan Calendar when you were a kid? I don't know about you, but it freaked me out. Of course, I grew up in the '80s, so back then, if you knew anything at all, you understood that December 12, 2012, was most likely going to be the end of the world! 

Throughout my former years, I remember people talking about December 12, 2012, with fear and wonderment. I was too young to think seriously about it then, but I became intrigued as that mysterious date approached. Earnestly, I began researching the topic when, to my surprise, it was an enlightening experience that nudged me on my path toward remembering. 

As it turns out, the Mayan Culture is a challenging subject. The complexities of mathematical calculations, unpronounceable terms, and bewildering symbolism leave little for the novice to decipher. But, as difficult as it was for me to wrap my brain around, I came to an understanding that December 12, 2012, wasn't the end of the 'actual world'; obviously, it was, in fact, the end of a very long galactic cycle.  

In my ambitious attempt at reading Jose Arguelles's The Mayan Factor, the most pertinent concept I came across was about the 'Galactic Beam,' which the Maya predicted the earth would pass through by December 12, 2012. Surprisingly, in all my years of interest in this topic, I have found it nearly impossible until recently to find any "reputable" scientific documentation describing such an event.

I became aware of this theory in the late 90s from Barbara Hand Clow's channeled book, The Pleiadian Agenda, where it was referred to as the Photon Belt. However, Arguelles explains, "Physicists have recently become aware of how we are influenced by beams passing through the galaxy. Current astrophysics describes these beams as density waves that sweep through the galaxy and that influence galactic evolution." (Arguelles p.10)

In a recent interview with Heather Ensworth and Geobiologist Rory Duff, Duff talks about galactic current sheets, which may be the 'Galactic Beam' or the 'Photon Belt'  the Maya were referring to. According to Ensworth, an increase in cosmic energy happens about every 24,000 years as our solar system orbits around the center of the Milky Way galaxy and again at the midpoint at 12,000 years; it's been known since ancient times that we go through these accelerated evolutionary periods, known as Precession Cycles. Coincidentally, galactic current sheets are an electric field that ripples out from the center of the Milky Way, the same as the Galactic Beam or Photon Belt. So we move through the Milky Way galactic current sheet roughly every 12,000 years, the same as the Galactic Beam or Photon Belt. Coincidence? I think not.

Thanks to research at the Heart Math Institute, we know that cosmic energy mutates cells. It affects the heart (coherence) resonance specifically. When consciously tuning in to this cosmic energy, it can be felt in the heart, which laboratory instruments can record. It is critical to become aware of this cosmic energy and surrender to it, for it can be destabilizing as it forms a new dynamic of accelerated transformation within our DNA.

To withstand these cosmic energies, it is imperative to be on a path of healing on all physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Avoiding inner work is no longer an option. If the subconscious is still caught up in the turmoil and trauma of the past, experiencing these energies can be even more destabilizing. Our personal experience is simply a mirror of our internal environment; therefore, if the subconscious is focused on feelings like love, compassion, and gratitude, the higher dimensions of consciousness open up to be experienced and vice versa. To each his own.

This is where we have a choice. Should we accept that we are amid a grand Procession Cycle and understand what this means for humanity, or do we go crazy because we don't know what's happening? It is crucial to understand that because of the galactic cycle in which we are now, everything is changing exponentially from here on out, and there is no going back. This is a new beginning for the planet and all of life; we are in uncharted territory. 

This new cosmic energy we are experiencing is about letting go of old structures and systems that no longer serve us. It's about reconnecting with the Universe's living energies and becoming aware that everything is energy and is inner connected. The Age of Galactic Ignorance is behind us. As we open up to higher dimensions of consciousness, we morph our understanding of who we are as humans and how we identify in the cosmos. As we remember who we are, we are responsible for embodying these new frequencies and entering the radical paradigm shift as multidimensional intergalactic beings.

Welcome to the Golden Age!


Cited Sources: 

Arguelles, Jose. The Mayan Factor. Rochester: Bear & Company, 1987 and 1996

The interview with Heather Ensworth and Rory Duff about Transformation with the Energy of Earth and the Cosmos -


Sources for more information on this topic:

A detailed visual explanation about the Photon Belt -

The Age of Aquarius explained  -

Age of Aquarius: who are we, and who are we becoming? -

One of my favorite interviews explaining the galactic cycles. -

A fantastic interview with renowned Astrologer Pam Gregory about the galactic cycles. -

Unstable Geomagnetic: Pam talks about the huge increase in solar flares during these years and the effect it has on Earth











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